All non-profit organizations in Ontario are required by law to be governed by a board of directors that owes an obligation of trust to the organization’s stakeholders.
The board of directors of an incorporated, non-profit organization is legally responsible for the governance of the organization. Within that mandate is the expectation that the board will develop, implement and monitor policies that will allow the organization to carry out its work. A board is elected by, and accountable to, its membership. While a board may appoint staff and/or committees to carry out specific work related to its policies, programs and services, the board is ultimately responsible for meeting organizational outcomes.
Our Board of Directors meets 10 times per fiscal year and is governed by its Bylaws and Policies and Procedures. We produce an annual report to our membership and all stakeholders.
The agency is funded by We are funded by The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and operates under The Child, Youth and Family Services Act adheres to the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act.