Agency Reports
Strategic Plan & Annual Reports
Audited Financial Reports
Foster Care Licences
The Office of the Auditor General is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly that conducts value-for-money and financial audits of the provincial government, its ministries and agencies. They also audit organizations in the broader public sector that receive provincial funding, such as hospitals and long-term care homes, universities and colleges, and school boards. Their work helps ensure that taxpayers receive value for their tax dollars.
In addition, we comply with the Supply Chain Code of Ethics
Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Supply Chain Code of Ethics
Goal: To ensure an ethical, professional and accountable BPS supply chain. Personal Integrity and Professionalism Individuals involved with Supply Chain Activities must act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care and due diligence must be integral to all Supply Chain Activities within and between BPS organizations, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Respect must be demonstrated for each other and for the environment. Confidential information must be safeguarded. Participants must not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.
Accountability and Transparency
Supply Chain Activities must be open and accountable. In particular, contracting and purchasing activities must be fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants must ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient and effective manner.
Compliance and Continuous Improvement
Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities must comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain policies and procedures, to improve their supply chain knowledge and skill levels, and to share leading practices. All FCSLLG expense and procurement rules align with the Broader Public Sector Directives. Further information on Broader Public Sector Directives can be found by accessing the links below.