Donate to FCSLLG
Donate to Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville!
Family and Children’s Services is a child welfare agency mandated by the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act to provide child protection services to children and families in our counties. Our agency’s mission is our commitment to engaging families and the community in the safety, permanency, and wellbeing of our children and youth. In carrying out our work, our vision is to foster engagement, inclusivity, and resilience for our families and young people we serve.
You can help us achieve those outcomes! Our core funding comes from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the bulk of these dollars are used to pay for salaries and benefits of our staff, our boarding costs (e.g. foster care rates), and other infrastructure needs. We are always looking for dollars to support families who find themselves in crises and who may need extra support for their children. While kinship service is a very important part of how we sometimes keep children safe, there are limited funds available for grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbours to help them care for a child. Poverty is real, and while we cannot solve it as one agency, we would like to try and reduce as many barriers as possible and ensure that children in this LLG community have access to things they need when times can become tough.
FCSLLG has a donation fund and we have used these dollars to provide extra support or unique opportunities for children and youth that they might not otherwise have. Some examples include:
- assistance to families for exceptional needs (e.g. purchasing a triple stroller for a single mom with little children)
- episodic assistance for kinship families (e.g. purchasing a bed for a child, clothing)
- we have assisted in a few cases with funds toward orthodontics or eyeglasses when other community programs have not been available
- we have sent youth in care on humanitarian trips to places like Equador and Peru
- sometimes we have provided emergency assistance for families to prevent an admission of a child to enter care (e.g. poverty should not be the reason for child welfare involvement)
Without sustained community donations, our ability to provide such assistance would be very limited. We rely on the generosity of community donors and United Way to run our camp program every summer. We want to do more for our families and children in the LLG community and hope you will consider donating today! Your contributions do make a difference and help to bring equity of opportunity to children and youth in our community.