Things to Consider
Wanting to care for a child you know who needs a safe place to stay is a very generous gift. There are some important things to think about when you make the decision to become a Kinship Service caregiver.
Think About:
- Am I ready and willing to change my role in the child’s life and be a “parent” to the child for as long as he or she needs me?
- How will that change my relationship with the child? With the child’s parents?
- How do I feel about the child’s parents right now? Can I supervise contact between the parents and the child?
- Can I add this child to my family and still afford what my family needs?
- Am I willing to go to therapy with the child or other services the child needs?
- Am I okay with getting involved in the child’s court case?
- If the child is not able to return home, would I consider legal custody or adoption?
If you have thought about these things and are ready to apply, please contact an Intake Worker at 1-855-667-2726 or email us.
When parents make the changes that are needed to keep their children safe and well cared for, we hope that you will continue to be a support to the family. The safe, loving and stable family life you have provided will be a lifelong gift that you have given that child and that family.