Dress Purple Day – October 27th
October 10, 2022
Every October, Children’s Aid Societies across the province raise awareness about the important role that individuals and communities play in supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families through the provincial Dress Purple Day campaign.
This year’s campaign is focused on bringing awareness to the early help and supportive services available to families facing challenges.
We are calling on all Ontarians to wear something purple on October 27 to show children, youth, and families that they are here to help!
In the lead up to Dress Purple Day, we’re inviting all Ontarians to create and post a video to their social media accounts, explaining why they will be wearing purple on October 27, and how it is they help children, youth, and families facing challenges.
Whether you work for an organization that supports youth, or you are a frontline worker in the social services sector, or as a member of your community who checks in with a neighbourhood family who needs extra support…we all have a role to play!
For more information about the campaign, visit www.oaacas.org/dresspurpleday.