Have a concern? Talk to us.
We encourage you to voice your concerns regarding the services you receive from our Agency directly to your Worker via telephone, in writing (letter, email, fax), or by arranging a face-to-face meeting with him or her. Ensure that you explain your concern or complaint clearly, including all important details. Your Worker will describe the options available to you within the Agency or through the Ministry of Child and Youth Services and the Child and Family Services Review Board process.
At any time in the complaint process, you are welcome to bring one person to support you in your meetings regarding your complaint or concern, as well as one representative of your band or native community (if applicable). Certain matters are excluded from complaints system:
Informal Complaints
- Matters currently before the courts or that the courts have already decided
- Matters that fall under other decision-making processes under the Child and Family Services Act or the Labour Relations Act.